
英 [ɪ'ləʊp]美[ɪ'lop]
  • vi. 私奔;潜逃



第三人称单数: elopes;过去式: eloped;过去分词: eloped;现在分词: eloping;名词: elopement;


Elope: 一路跑----私奔。私奔的时候怕人发现所以动作要快,一路都得跑。


elope 私奔

e-, 来自anti-,相对,相反。-lope, 同leap, 跑。即跑走的,跑掉的。


elope: [17] Etymologically, elope signifies ‘leap away’. It was originally an Anglo-Norman legal term applied to a married woman running off with a lover, and only in the past couple of hundred years has it come to be applied to a couple leaving home to get married when parental permission is denied. It is thought that the Anglo-Norman term was an adaptation of Middle English *alopen, past participle of an unrecorded verb *alepen ‘run away’, which would have been formed from the prefix a- ‘away’ and lepen ‘run, leap’ (source of modern English leap and related to lope and German laufen ‘run’).
=> leap, lope
elope (v.)
1590s, "to run off," probably from Middle Dutch (ont)lopen "run away," from ont- "away from" (from Proto-Germanic *und- which also gave the first element in until) + lopen "to run," from Proto-Germanic *hlaupan (source also of Old English hleapan; see leap (v.)). Sense of "run away in defiance of parental authority to marry secretly" is 19c.

In support of this OED compares Old English uðleapan, "the technical word for the 'escaping' of a thief." However there is an Anglo-French aloper "run away from a husband with one's lover" (mid-14c.) which complicates this etymology; perhaps it is a modification of the Middle Dutch word, with Old French es-, or it is a compound of that and Middle English lepen "run, leap" (see leap (v.)).

The oldest Germanic word for "wedding" is represented by Old English brydlop (cognates: Old High German bruthlauft, Old Norse bruðhlaup), literally "bride run," the conducting of the woman to her new home. Related: Eloped; eloping.


1. I want to leave the surface of earth, elope to the moon!
我要离开地球表面, 私奔到月球!


2. Forgetting Dia at home, he planned for Hera to elope with him.


3. However, Li Xin misunderstands that she will elope with Li L ü.
可是, 李信却误会她想与李律一起私奔.


4. Will you elope in the name of love?
你会为爱而私奔 吗 ?


5. Therefore, the two young people chose to elope.
于是, 两个年轻人选择了逃婚.

