
英 ['felən]美['fɛlən]
  • n. [法] 重罪犯;瘭疽;恶棍
  • n. (Felon)人名;(法)弗隆



复数: felons;


felon 重罪犯

词源不确定。一种说法认为来自拉丁词根fe, 吮吸,特指男人之间的口交,在古罗马时期这种行为是为人所不耻的和被鄙视的,因而引申该词义。


felon: [13] Medieval Latin fellō (a word of uncertain origin, sometimes referred to Latin fel ‘gall, poison’) meant ‘evil-doer’. Its nominative form gave English the adjective fell ‘fierce, lethal’, via Old French fel, while its stem form, fellōn-, passed into English through Old French felon. The derivative felony [13] comes from Old French felonie.
=> fell
felon (n.)
c. 1300, "one who deceives or commits treason; one who is wicked or evil; evil-doer," used of Lucifer and Herod, from Old French felon "evil-doer, scoundrel, traitor, rebel, oath-breaker, the Devil" (9c.), from Medieval Latin fellonem (nominative fello) "evil-doer," which is of uncertain origin, perhaps from Frankish *fillo, *filljo "person who whips or beats, scourger" (source of Old High German fillen "to whip"); or from Latin fel "gall, poison," on the notion of "one full of bitterness." Celtic origins also have been proposed.

Another theory (advanced by Professor R. Atkinson of Dublin) traces it to Latin fellare "to suck" (see fecund), which had an obscene secondary meaning in classical Latin (well-known to readers of Martial and Catullus), which would make a felon etymologically a "cock-sucker." OED inclines toward the "gall" explanation, but finds Atkinson's "most plausible" of the others.

Also by c. 1300 in English in a general legal sense "criminal; one who has committed a felony," however that was defined. Century Dictionary notes, "the term is not applicable after legal punishment has been completed." In Middle English it also was an adjective, "traitorous, wicked, malignant." Australian official James Mudie (1837), coined felonry "as the appellative of an order or class of persons in New South Wales,--an order which happily exists in no other country in the world."


1. So I answered up like a felon fighting for his freedom, and I answered pat, because I was telling the truth, which is sometimes a help.
因此,我马上回答,就像一个重罪犯在争取自由一样, 而且,我答得这么迅速是因为我在说实话, 这有时会有帮助.


2. He's a convicted felon.


3. Hitler's early'successes " were only the startling depredations of a resolute felon.
希特勒的早期 “ 胜利 ”,只不过是一个死心塌地的恶棍出人意料地抢掠得手而已.


4. I'm a convicted federal felon.


5. I found out my ex - partner's a liar and a felon.
我发现我的超级 搭档 是个惯于说谎者.

