英 ['stændʌp]美
- adj. 站立的;直立的;说单口相声的
- a stand-up collar
- 立领
- When did you start doing stand-up?
- 你什么时候开始表演独白喜剧的?
- She started out as a stand-up.
- 她出道时是个独角喜剧演员。
- He does all kinds of accents, he can do jokes—he could be a stand-up comic...
- 他会模仿各种口音,还会讲笑话——他可以当个独角喜剧演员。
- Women do not normally break into the big time by doing stand-up comedy.
- 女性靠演单人喜剧通常无法成名。
- ...getting by on likeability, professionalism and the kind of nerve you need to do stand-up.
- 凭借个人魅力、精湛的技艺和进行单人喜剧表演所需要的勇气过活
- Please stand up when we call your name.
- 我们叫到你的名字时请起立.
- The wounded soldier has made efforts to stand up.
- 那位伤员吃力地站了起来.
- Stand up to them!
- 起来反抗他们!
- I can't get the pole to stand up.
- 这杆子我竖不起来.
- Each one of you should stand up when your name is called out.
- 当叫到你的名字时,每个人都应站起来.
- He is too yellow to stand up and fight.
- 他太胆怯而不敢起来抵抗.
- As a matter of conscience, he doesn't feel that he can stand up for the President any longer.
- 凭良心讲, 他认为他无法再支持总统了.
- I'm afraid it won't stand up in court.
- 我担心这件事在法庭上站不住脚.
- My mother was very weak; she could not stand up to this cold weather.
- 我母亲身体很弱, 经受不住这种寒冷的天气.
- That candidate is an ass in a lion's skin, he would never have the courage to stand up for any cause.
- 那个候选人是一个说大话的懦夫, 他决不会有胆量为任何事业挺身而出.
- I think David's had one too many. He can hardly stand up.
- 我觉得戴维喝多了, 他都站不住了.
- Always stand up for your principles.
- 要一贯坚持你的原则.
- The animal is able to stand up on its hind limbs.
- 这种动物能够用后肢站立.
- Do you think your car will stand up well under such snowy conditions?
- 你认为你的车在积雪的条件下还能耐用 吗 ?
- Will you stand up for me?
- 你愿意支持我 吗 ?
- He had a sudden impulse to stand up and sing.
- 他突然心血来潮,想站起来歌唱。
- Her argument doesn't really stand up to scrutiny.
- 她的观点经不起认真推敲。
- Those involved and benefiting from the scandal must be prepared to stand up and be counted.
- 丑闻中涉及的那些从中受益的人必须准备公开表明态度了。
- You've got nothing on me and you know it. Your theory would never stand up in a court of law.
- 你手里没有对我不利的证据,这一点你很清楚。你的揣测在法庭上是绝对站不住脚的。